Social Studies at RJH

Social Studies at Rye Junior High is currently based on the C3 Framework of Social Studies Standards adopted by the Rye School District. These frameworks focus on the following principles:

  • Social studies prepares the nation’s young people for college, careers, and civic life.
  • Inquiry is at the heart of social studies.
  • Social studies involves interdisciplinary applications and welcomes integration of the arts and humanities.
  • Social studies is composed of deep and enduring understandings, concepts, and skills from the disciplines. Social studies emphasizes skills and practices as preparation for democratic decision-making.
  • Social studies education should have direct and explicit connections to the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts.


So, what does this mean for Rye Junior High students? 

Different than the Social Studies classes of the past, students will not take just one class on The Revolutionary War, or Economics in the United States, but rather seminars that incorporate the standards in a high-interest and engaging manner for students that embed important historical information within them. 

Below are the “Power Topics” covered to ensure that students do receive core Social Studies knowledge during their time in middle school. Seminars focus on the standards which fall under these topics. Each student follows his or her own personalized learning path created by their choices. 

**5th and 6th Grade Power Topics: **

Exploration & Colonization


Indigenous People and the Americas

Birth of Civilization

5 Themes of Geography

Power of Humanity 

**7th & 8th Grade Power Topics: **

Global Cultures

Global Movement

Power of Ideas


Conflict and Crisis 

US Role in World Affairs

Here is a link to the Power Topics with the specific standards covered. 23/24 RJH Social Studies Power Topics with Sorted Standards (Grades 5-8). To see a sample of some seminars offered click here!

Students exploring Rye to learn more about the rich history here during our celebration of the Rye400.

Grade 7 students participated in a Social Studies Project Based Learning Seminar to put on a Renaissance Faire - June 2024.

Social Studies PBL in action! Grade 7 students researched and put on a Renaissance Faire in June 2024.